Álbum de la Exposición de Artes Decorativas : celebrada en el local de la Sociedad Artístico-Arqueológica durante los meses de enero y febrero del año 1881

  • Year 1881

The fourth exhibition catalog devoted to decorative arts held in 1881 in the local of the Asociación Artístico-Arqueológica Barcelonesa with a description of materials displayed, the names of the owners of the works, gathered in different sections. Part of the collection of works published by this private institution sponsoring the study of ancient art.

Written by the then, president of the Asociación, Josep Puiggarí (1821-1903). Lawyer, municipal archivist and one of the most active agents of the ‘decimonónica’ Barcelona (s.XIX or related to this time) on favor of the preservation of its heritage.

Image and resume from: http://www.bib.uab.cat/human/bdhah/planes/pub/bdhahespbase.asp?ahautornom=Asociaci%F3n%20Art%EDstico-Arqueol%F3gica%20Barcelonesa&menuidioma=esp

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